TAS approves rebidding for Phase II renovation project
The first set of bids, which were due February 1, for the remainder of the school bond project were approximately $2.8 million over budget. The board voted on February 13 to reject them.

Schoolcraft seeks to be removed as Manistique Lake dam authority
The Manistique Lake dam has been under the supervision of both Luce and Mackinac Counties, with one commissioner from both representing the Manistique Lakes Citizens Advisory Committee.

Court of Dreams: Newberry basketball goes to the NBA
As they filed in the doors of Little Caesars Arena in downtown Detroit—home of the Detroit Pistons—the Newberry boys and girls basketball teams didn’t know what to think.

Discipline questioned at TAS
By Sterling McGinn School was dismissed just a few hours after it began on Thursday, December 14, after one or more...
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TAS to hire resource officer
Parental concerns have been increasing in recent months following a long series of destructive and illegal activities—including violence, vandalism, and vaping—committed by some students at school.
Fists fly in Lady Indians win over Rudyard
A dominant night and another big win for the Lady Indians was overshadowed by a nasty physical altercation in the second half of last Wednesday’s Girls Varsity Basketball game in Newberry.
Obituaries for the week of 01/17/2024
Lillian (Rapp) Teske November 6, 1924 – December 24, 2023 Longtime Newberry resident, Lillian (Rapp) Teske, 99, died Sunday evening December 24, 2023 at Newberry Assisted Living Community in the...
Finding winter’s coziness
TASPL is always looking for ways to help our patrons weather the grey months with a smile.
Newberry had all the bells and whistles
Their loud noises alerted the residents of shift changes and lunch periods of the mills and factories, fire or other disasters, the beginning and end of a school day and Sunday church services.
Chippewa Luce Mackinac Conservation District announces 2024 conservation grants program
CLMCD seeks proposals for a variety of projects that have a direct impact to the improvement of our natural resources through hands on educational programs or projects that directly impact the environment in a positive way.
Wrestlers endure long day in Esky
After nearly 13 hours, it came down just a few seconds for Hayden O’Neil. There was plenty of waiting in between plenty of wrestling.
Obituaries for the week of 01/10/2024
Reynold Robert Cox April 14, 1964 – December 17, 2023 Reynold Robert Louis Cox, 59, of Duncan passed from this life Sunday, December 17, 2023 in the Encompass Hospital in Wichita Falls, Texas. He...
Make 2024 our best year yet
Each year our collection grows, new educational and entertaining programs for all ages are brought in. Help us make 2024 our best library year yet.
After great effort, the county approves 2024 budget
Prior to the beginning of their December meeting, the Luce County Board of Commissioners held a budget hearing to review the proposed 2024 fiscal year budget prior to its approval during the regular session.
Winter 2024 – MSU Extension 4-H workshops
Attention teens and employers: Mackinac, Luce, and Schoolcraft 4-H staff have planned a Tri-County Meet the Future Skill Building and Job Fair for 14-19 years olds.
Road commission seeks grant for 407
Luce County Road Commission Engineer and Manager Stuart McTiver said the road commission is applying again for the grant after a good portion of the dirt work was completed last summer.
Getting your littles ready to read
I am always looking for a new library service to support our community. One service, called TALK, came to my offers learning activities for parents to use with children.
Village finds issues with sewer lining work
Watkins is negotiating with the company to have the warranty extended on the liner, which currently expires after one year. She wants the company to scope all lines before the warranty expires.