By Brian Freitag
TASPL Director
I love thinking about beginnings. I don’t like endings; who does? An ending can be staring you right in the face without you knowing it.
Thankfully you can start over as many times as you want! This week the library closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 10 to pack for our initial move before the summer construction. When we re-open, we will have an asbestos-free library with a new layout, new lighting, restrooms, programming room and air conditioning. After the dust clears, I and my staff will once again be able to work with you, our patrons.
We share a lot besides books at the library. While assisting in finding the resources you or your group needs; TASPL staff enjoy your daily news, humor, insight, and words of wisdom. This makes you, our patrons, the best part of our day every day!
Here are a few need-to-know details regarding our closure:
The library will be closed to the public on May 10 at 5 p.m. All Tahquamenon Area School Public Library material needs to be returned before May 10.
Patron accounts will not expire through the duration of the closure
Our holds-only operation (you place holds on media through our webpage and we acquire those for you) will begin on May 13 with pick-up and drop-off by our TAS High School location. Only co-op library material will be available to patrons for the duration of the closure (our collection will be unavailable).
Our holds-only drop-off and pick-up hours beginning May 13 are from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. During this time, you may call us at (906) 293-5214 to make an appointment to pick up material you placed on hold at our high school summer location.
Our Hoopla and Overdrive web-based digital services and media are available to patrons all day, every day.
WIFI access in front of TAS will be determined after testing, given our new holds-only network location.
Library card numbers and PINs cannot be distributed over the phone. If a patron cannot remember their PIN, they will need to schedule an appointment with a photo ID present to receive their PIN.
If a library card is lost during the closure, the patron will have to schedule an appointment with photo ID present to receive a new library card.
As we progress through the summer, I will provide progress reports and, as soon as I know it, our re-opening date. Take care and keep reading!