Whether you are new to bird-watching or an experienced birder, spring migration has something to offer everyone as hundreds of bird species don their brightest breeding plumage and journey through Michigan, loudly singing their songs.
We have already had the pleasure of welcoming back many spring migrants including red-winged blackbirds, killdeer, turkey vultures and our diminutive kinglets, most of which will pass through the state over the course of the next month.
Michigan is now welcoming some of our smallest migrants, including warblers and our region’s only hummingbird. Celebrate the return of Michigan’s tiny migrants by learning how to identify them, where you can find them, and how you can support them at bit.ly/GLaudubon (case sensitive).
More spring bird resources:
Learn more about Michigan’s spring migrants. Discover five common migratory warblers you can spot in Michigan this spring at the Audubon website above.
If you live in bear territory, use the tips at bit.ly/BearsandBirds (case sensitive) to make your space bird and bear friendly.
Check out the brand new St. Clair – Macomb Birding Trail. St. Clair and Macomb counties are home to a wide variety of resident and migrating birds thanks to a diverse habitat and access to large lakes, rivers and streams. The area also sits below multiple migratory routes, the Atlantic and the Mississippi flyways, providing birders with chances to observe different birds at different times of the year. Explore the birding trail map and discover Michigan’s nine other birding trails at Michigan.gov/Birding.
Recent events:
Do a deep dive into three unique Michigan bird species. Stream these MI Birds and Audubon Great Lakes webinars, featuring conservation organizations and bird experts from across Michigan, on demand:
- Great Lakes Piping Plover Recovery Effort webinar – bit.ly/GLPlover
- Meet Michigan’s Stocky Heron: The Black-Crowned Night Heron webinar – bit.ly/MichHeron
- Back From the Brink: A New Model for Kirtland’s Warbler Conservation –bit.ly/WarblerModel
Featured species: Turkey vulture
A turkey vulture perches on a stump and spreads its wings out showing off its dark brown feathers and featherless red head.
Turkey vultures are returning to Michigan from wintering farther south. Watch for their teetering, wobbly flight overhead. These large birds play an important role in the environment by acting like nature’s clean-up crew, scavenging on carrion such as roadkill.
Learn more about these all-natural recycling machines at bit.ly/TVulture (case sensitive).
Spring birding on ‘Wildtalk!’
DNR’s Wildtalk podcast brand image with a microphone, state of Michigan, bear and deer silhouettes, and the DNR logo.
Listen to the “Wildtalk” podcast’s April episode all about spring birding in Michigan. We talk with MI Birds coordinator Erin Rowan to find out what species have begun returning to the state and how to attract birds to your yard.
Learn more about the DNR’s “Wildtalk” podcast and catch up on past episodes at Michigan.gov/DNRWildtalk.