Newberry boys and Engadine girls get conference wins

By Dan Hardenbrook The Newberry Boys Basketball team continued it’s recent winning ways in an EUP Conference win over the Brimley Bays last Tuesday Night. Foreign exchange student Claudio Bistolfi had a breakout game, scoring 30 points to lead the Indians to their...

Youth hockey teams qualify for district tournaments

By Dan Hardenbrook For local hockey teams around the state, the regional round is the first step in the Michigan Amatuer Hockey Association’s state tournament process. Locally, a single win in the regional qualifies a team from the District 8 Tournament where teams...

Area basketball roundup

By Dan Hardenbrook The 2022 portion of the local high school basketball season is here and all of the local teams have started off the new year. Here is a look at how the local teams fared in recent competition. Lady Eagles go 2-1 Engadine’s girl’s varsity has been...

High school hockey is on a hot streak

By Dan Hardenbrook The Manistique Emeralds high school co-op hockey team is playing their best hockey in the program’s short existence, just in time for 2022. After another impressive win over the Hancock Bulldogs JV on Thursday night, the Emeralds have won four...

Games and moments of the year

By Dan Hardenbrook I truly believe that the 2021 Year in Sports was defined by the moments and the memories, rather than the championships won, awards received, and records broken. Even the best performances and biggest wins were made that much more magical by the...

High School hockey wins first home games

By Dan Hardenbrook The Manistique Emeralds Co-op hockey team had a historic pair of games last week. Skating in front of hometown fans in Manistique on Thursday and Munising on Friday, and in their brand new bright green jerseys featuring logos from all three schools,...