By Sterling McGinn
Newberry’s Tahquamenon Logging Museum wanted a new logo—and they wanted to see more young people around the place, too. So they asked area youth to design something that would capture the rich logging history of the region.
Last week, the museum announced the winners from both Whitefish Township Community Schools in Paradise and Newberry High School.
More 40 entries were received from area youth after teachers Tahquamenon Area Schools art teacher Linus Parr and Whitefish Township Community Schools teacher Mikal Doke tasked their students to create a logo.
After much deliberation, the board members determined that there were too many great designs to just choose one.
The overall logo winner was Newberry High School student Chelsea Jewell. She received $100. The winner of the letterhead logo was Whitefish Township student, Malina Mills. She received $50.
The T-shirt and hat winners were Newberry High School students Rayne Palmer, Amelia Shanley and Matthew Rahilly. All three students received $50.
Honorable mention winners were Anthony Lawrence, David Beckman, Kadin Kellogg and Lucas Davidson from Newberry High School, and Kyleigh Bennett from Whitefish Township.
In an effort to encourage and interest youth in museum activities, the board members of the museum invited area high school students to create the new look, which will be incorporated with museum clothing, coffee cups and letterheads.
“We are hoping to have more teenagers and 20- and 30-year-olds involved with the museum,” said board member Jo Tranchita. “When we have our Lumberjack Breakfasts, it’s rare to see people in their teens and 20s.”
All participants were given a certificate for one free breakfast at the museum for the 2023 season. The students were also encouraged to volunteer this coming season.
All student entries will be displayed in the museum’s Pratt one-room schoolhouse during the summer.