World’s oldest loons have returned to Seney

Seney Wildlife Refuge With contributions from Carol Stiffler The two oldest documented common loons, known as ABJ and Fe (“Fay”), returned separately from oceanic wintering grounds to their long-term breeding territory on the refuge. Their arrival was announced on...

How should you shop for forest land?

By Bill Cook Forest ownership encompasses a small minority of Michigan citizens. Let’s be upfront about this. Less than two percent of the human population owns 10 acres or more. However, this accounts for about 40 percent of the forest area, or about eight million...

PFOS found in Lake Superior rainbow smelt

Elevated perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) levels have been found in Lake Superior rainbow smelt. The announcement came from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and to protect public health, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is issuing a...

Coexisting with black bears

Black bears have a big appetite, an excellent sense of smell, and the ability to remember a food source year after year, which is why preventing conflicts with bears is necessary. You can help your community reduce bear conflicts by following these simple steps:...

Planting trees won’t save the planet

By Bill Cook There are many good reasons to plant trees and none of them have to do with saving the planet or generating fresh oxygen. These are urban myths. Take oxygen for an example. I’ve visited hundreds of elementary school classrooms and, quite curiously,...

Invasive species to watch for in the frozen U.P.

By Michael Hindy From the unique ice formations on our Great Lakes, to the countless miles of cross country and snowmobile trails, the Upper Peninsula holds an outstanding natural beauty for all to enjoy. Did you know that while you’re enjoying the beauty of our Upper...